Your Success  Story

What is the success story you want to tell? Something significant, truly remarkable, that keeps people on the edge of their seats? How did you do that ? Maybe it’s fundamentally about achieving strategic growth, sustainable performance improvement, holistic transformation, successful merger integration, or maximum positive impact. But in actuality, it's about overcoming huge barriers, significant roadblocks, and insurmountable odds. Maybe at the core it's about building a team of leaders who reach goals you could never dream of reaching on your own. However at the start, right now, no one is signing up to be such a leader. Whatever that future story looks like to you, and no matter how far away it may seem, you will get there, because you have to get there, you are that kind of leader.

These are the big dreams we will help you build. We will do the basics such as assessing, designing, testing and then building each part of your success story. We also bring in a bit of magic with our unique “jig” and other tools that will help you bridge the huge gaps in the road ahead. Jumping in with a recycled plan or skipping key steps to “get going” will not yield the outcome you desire. Achieving success, remarkable success, starts with how you begin, and continues with more progress and fewer roadblocks when you build smart.

When my grandfather, a carpenter, was working on construction sites, he was known as the last to start on a project, and the first to finish. He actually started at the same time as others, however instead of jumping in with cutting boards and nailing things in place, he spent his time planning, creating special jigs for cuts that needed to be made multiple times, and laying out an implementation plan. When he “started” building, everything went together quite quickly due to his planning and jigs.

During our work together, we will leverage the Stavrand Triangle™ to analyze, clarify and strengthen your vision, leadership, and performance. While bolstering these key success factors, we will concurrently be working across your strategy, culture and operations and more, focusing where the needs are most critical. Whether you want to 4x or 10x the performance of your team, or completely transform an underperforming organization, the Stavrand Triangle, our flexible jig, will guide our collaboration as you and your team reach each new level of remarkable success. 

The Stavrand Triangle was created by our lead partner, Paul Stavrand, a Columbia Business School MBA with a passion for helping companies, teams and individuals achieve remarkable success in the quadruple bottom line, with positive impact across products/services, people, planet and profit. The Stavrand Triangle allows us to work systematically through the foundation and drivers of success, while activating your full power. Covering both strategy and culture, passions and operations, and much more, this jig was built on the premise that success relies on “both” and “and” to enable teams to unlock their full potential. Rather than debate if strategy or culture is more important, we conclude that both are and get to work.

We’d love to get started helping you tell your future success story!